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Top 10 Coding Interview Questions
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Here’s a list of Top 10 Coding Interview Questions for your Programming interviews. These are designed to intrigue viewers of varying expertise levels
Top 10 Coding Interview Questions
1️⃣ Which data structure is best suited for implementing a browser’s forward and back buttons?
2️⃣ How would you efficiently find the first non-repeating character in a string?
3️⃣ Which sorting algorithm is best for nearly sorted arrays?
4️⃣ What is the time complexity of finding an element in a Binary Search Tree (BST) in the average case?
5️⃣ What problem-solving technique is primarily used in the “Knapsack Problem”?
6️⃣ How do you detect a cycle in a Linked List?
7️⃣ Which of these algorithms does NOT work in O(n log n) time complexity?
8️⃣ What is the key advantage of a Trie (Prefix Tree) over a HashMap for storing strings?
9️⃣ What is the Big-O complexity of adding an element to a HashMap in the best case?
🔟 Bonus Question: What is the output of the following code snippet?