Types of Queue in Data Structure

3 min readMar 29, 2024


Types of Queue in Data Structure


Definition of a Queue
A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle, where elements are inserted at the rear and removed from the front. It resembles a queue of people waiting for a service, where the first person who enters the queue is the first to be served.

Overview of Queue Data Structure

  • Queues are commonly used to model real-world scenarios such as waiting lines, job scheduling, and task processing.
  • They are characterized by two primary operations: enqueue (adding an element to the rear of the queue) and dequeue (removing an element from the front of the queue).
  • Queues can be implemented using arrays, linked lists, or other data structures, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
  • In addition to enqueue and dequeue, other operations supported by queues include peeking (viewing the element at the front of the queue without removing it) and checking whether the queue is empty or full.

Importance and Applications in Computer Science:

  1. Job Scheduling: Queues are used in operating systems to manage processes waiting to be executed by the CPU. Jobs are placed in a queue based on priority or arrival time.
  2. Breadth-First Search (BFS) in Graphs: Queues are essential for implementing BFS algorithm, which explores vertices in a graph level by level. It uses a queue to store and process vertices.
  3. Buffering in I/O Operations: Queues are used to buffer input/output data in computer systems, ensuring smooth and efficient processing of data streams.
  4. Network Routing: In computer networks, queues are used for packet switching and routing. Data packets are placed in queues at routers and switches before being forwarded to their destinations.
  5. Multithreading and Synchronization: Queues are used for inter-thread communication and synchronization in concurrent programming. Blocking queues ensure safe access to shared resources among multiple threads.
  6. Print Queue Management: Printers use queues to manage print jobs. Print requests are queued up, and the printer processes them one by one based on their order of arrival.

In computer science, queues play a fundamental role in various algorithms, data structures, and system designs, contributing to the efficiency, reliability, and scalability of software and hardware systems.

Types of Queue in Data Structure

  1. Linear Queue

Characteristics of Linear Queue

Operations Supported in Linear Queue

Linear Queue Implementation Options

2. Circular Queue

Characteristics of Circular Queue

Operations Supported in Circular Queue

Circular Queue Implementation Options

3. Priority Queue

Characteristics of Priority Queue

Operations Supported in Priority Queue

Priority Queue Implementation Options

Priority Queue Examples and Use Cases

4. Double-Ended Queue (Deque)

Characteristics of Double-Ended Queue

Operations Supported in Double-Ended Queue

Double-Ended Queue Implementation Options

Double-Ended Queue Examples and Use Cases

5. Blocking Queue

Characteristics of Blocking Queue

Operations Supported in Blocking Queue

Blocking Queue Implementation Options

Blocking Queue Examples and Use Cases

6. Concurrent Queue

Characteristics of Concurrent Queue

Operations Supported in Concurrent Queue

Concurrent Queue Implementation Options

Concurrent Queue Examples and Use Cases



  1. Advantages of circular queue over linear queue
  2. Difference between circular queue and linear queue




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